

I got into game development the long way round. The truth is, I only started making games after my undergrad, where I spent half my time studying maths and the other half messing about with theatre. It's these interests, though, that make me the programmer I am today. Whether fine-tuning a shader or generating whole worlds at the touch of a button, I try to approach design problems with a real mathematical rigour - but never lose sight of the bigger artistic picture.


Feral Interactive, London Graduate Developer, November 2023 - Present

Shipped my first title in the industry, seeing our port of GRID Legends through development and up to release. Experienced with Android, wrangling its API for both mobile and VR development. Supplemented forward-facing, game-specific work with side projects improving Feral’s internal libraries, like extending our existing deep links functionality to make life easier for QA.

Tripledot Studios, London Junior Level Designer, February 2022 - September 2022

Offered a full-time role on the merits of my contract work, taking on new challenges whilst fulfilling existing responsibilities. A/B tested live games, justifying key design decisions with real-time data. Experienced in SQL and Looker, using visualisation tools to better understand player behaviour.

Junior Level Designer (Contractor), September 2021 - February 2022

Created new levels across multiple mobile titles, realising and evaluating ideas in Tripledot’s internal level editors. Confident under constraints, balancing imagination with game specifications and maintaining clear documentation of my work.


MSc Computer Games Technology, Distinction Abertay University, Dundee, September 2022 - October 2023

Achieved an A+ in the majority of my modules, including: Advanced Procedural Methods, Applied Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, and Programming for Games. Specialised with a dissertation on procedural narrative.

Winner of the Andrew De Vries Memorial Prize, graduating top of my year.

BA (Hons) Mathematics, 2.ii University of Cambridge, Cambridge, October 2018 - July 2021

Graduated with 59% in Part II of the Tripos. Demonstrably experienced in 3D mathematics, with modules including: Quantum Information and Computation, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Linear Algebra, Classical Dynamics, Statistics. First learned to code as part of the degree, scoring 85% in my final year computational projects.

Involved in 20+ plays in my time at Cambridge, taking one to the Edinburgh Fringe. Experienced as an actor, writer, and producer. Treasurer of Girton Amateur Dramatics Society (2019-2021).

References available on request.

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